Sudatories of all varieties

Wood, Barn, Fiori, Brine, and Bio: They’re going to make you sweat!

Our sauna area is the perfect place in which to pamper your body after a long day outdoors. The healing and relaxing effects of the sauna in improving blood circulation and muscle regeneration have been proven time and again.

Our saunas are named Wald, Stadl, Fiori, Sole and Bio and their names say it all. WALD is our largest sauna with a temperature of 90-95 °C and a view of the internal courtyard and the Plan de Corones while STADL, with soft lighting and a temperature of 90 °C, is made out of wood recovered from an old barn. FIORI is our organic flower sauna with a temperature of 65 °C and SOLE is our steam bath with mountain salt at 45°C. BIO is the 65°C sauna in the pool area which you can access in a swimsuit. The choice is all yours

The Wood sauna “Wald”is
our largest sauna, and its 90 °C
The Fiori sauna:
flowers play a role

The Barn sauna “Stadl”:
90 °C & untreated wood

The brine steam bath 
“Sole” (45 °C) with mountain salt

Our  “Bio”sauna
is a textile sauna.

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